Journal Title:  Journal of Pharmacy Teaching | Vol:  7 | Issue:  3-4 | Year:  2000   
Print ISSN:  1044-0054 | Online ISSN:     

Abilities-Based Assessment Within Pharmacy Education: Preparing Students for Practice of Pharmaceutical Care

Professor Thomas D. Zlatic Ph.D.

pages: 5 - 27


Ability-based education has the potential to transform pharmacy education. What distinguishes ability-based education from some other evaluation strategies are its focus on development of student abilities and its assessment-as-learning philosophy which makes assessment part of the learning process, not simply an after-the-fact measurement of what learning has taken place. If an institution creates a coherent curriculum by implementing ability-based education at both the course and curricular levels, students can iteratively practice and improve upon those abilities which are essential for their practice of pharmaceutical care.