Current and Potential Asbestos Hazard Assessments: Effects of Inspectors' Training and Professional Background

Edward Mensah
Anthony Bilotti
Michael Cailas

DOI: 10.2190/5C7H-UDBF-AEYJ-9QFD


Federal legislation has created a structure for the inspection and assessment of asbestos in schools and commercial buildings. Unlike other air pollution programs, these assessments are based on visual inspections by certified inspectors rather than more objective air monitoring data. Considering the multi-billion dollar abatement expenditures that have been made based upon these inspections, little information presently exists to indicate the level of consistency of damage estimates made by certified inspectors.

This article reports on an analysis of the consistency of asbestos damage assessments using a sample of 250 novice and experienced certified inspectors taking inspection courses at University of Illinois Midwest Training Center. The analysis sought to determine the level of consistency of damage estimates and the effects of experience and professional background on the assessments of current and potential damage of asbestos material in a variety of settings.

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